Sunday, October 18, 2009


My inspiration comes from that exact business of everyday life.

It can be pretty random...I'll be reading a book for a class--literature or history or something random--and I will like a scene or circumstance or character so well that I imagine my own characters taking part.

Or, I will be writing an essay for one class, and an idea will just pop into my head. Ctrl + N for a new page, and I start typing away.

Maybe I have a conversation with someone, and that person's words or opinions inspire me to create a scene.

Or maybe I'm just daydreaming, and suddenly a brilliant idea comes to mind. I haven't had much of a problem with inspiration itself, but getting a change to write it all down is a different story.

Most of the time, though, I find myself rereading what I've written so far, and I realize that some parts need to be expanded, or something needs to be explained at a later date, and so forth. So, sometimes, my inspiration comes from just reading what I have.

I tend to write when I don't want to do anything else. When I'm tired of reading textbooks or writing essays or planning presentations or balancing my finances, I tend to take out some drafts and revise, or just continue writing.

Sometimes, writing just makes me happy, and that's good enough for me.



  1. "I tend to write when I don't want to do anything else. When I'm tired of reading textbooks or writing essays or planning presentations or balancing my finances, I tend to take out some drafts and revise, or just continue writing."

    Amen to that, sister!!!

    "Sometimes, writing just makes me happy, and that's good enough for me."

    Hearing you say this makes me happy, because that should be good enough for all of us, and I think too often it's not. I think for me this is because I'm still figuring out how to turn the critic in my brain off!!! :-) You go girl!

  2. christina=random inspiration...agreed.
    kathy=distracted inspiration...agreed.
    Kelsey=i see i like i'm inspired inspiration...agreed. all in all I think this may just be way too much inspiration for me.

    daydreaming is a great source of inspiration to be honest. I find that when I daydream...I am caught distracting myself and then randomly I spot something that I'm interested in.

    Off topic I am now typing with a cat in front of me. I'm going to take this as a sign that I am commenting too much

  3. yes. I reread my own stuff, find that I still love it (most of the time, let's be honest), and keep making more. glad to hear that you get inspired by that, too.
