Monday, September 14, 2009

welcome to my world

For class:
And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land,
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.
-To My Wife-With a Copy of My Poem by oscar wilde

I love what he's done with these last four lines. The personification is beautiful as well as this image of the wind and winter hardening. Imagining this is amazing. This idea of weather turning into the stern force that hardens love; the love seems almost metaphorical for not only his relationship with his wife but the world. He paints a lovely picture for his audience. And what's more is how he ends his poem; "you will understand". This hints at a secret only he and his wife know. In the end he turns this message to his wife through it's secrecy and imaginativeness into a love poem.

For group:
Form? Writing? Technique even?
Free style like when swimming,
Writing has one form and that form is
at one time creates
There is no set way to make a piece of
Like snow flakes everyone is
different. It's impossible to create
a line to fit every curve within.

When I write I think everything through. Like a puzzle I map out my ideas as if I were playing Tetris in my head. I write best in the mornings after I've awakened from a great dream and at night once I've returned from a great adventure. It's soothing to write during trips; in the cars, the trains, on the planes. I love creating poems and then looking to see how they tie in with my writing or how they can. I love making a list of words that I love; love to say, love to hear, love how they sound, love how they look after I've written them down in cursive or print. Then I take those words and try to form a poem or a creative thought. Form for me is sketching out my idea (story/poem/line) on lined paper but not in a line. Instead they twine between other ideas that were processed on that lined paper earlier in the day or week. In the end the one sheet is a patchwork of ideas and drafts. Then I take what was written and try to copy it onto a computer with the same pauses that I have painted on the lined paper through the organized mess of the patches and the gaps and how the lines wind around the work that has been laid mark before them. Even in the disruption in organization contains organization in that each small gap or large space made from the older ideas being placed in the way stand as where I decide to break for a pause. I work well with confusion. It makes sense to me.


  1. Thanks for writing about your process along with your analysis of the poem. I totally know what you mean about finding small words or images and trying to piece them together. I used to keep post-it notes of images and then try to make them work in a poem. It's fun! and sometimes the poem sort of forms itself.

  2. I forgot to write my name above, it's Lupe.

  3. i love how you describe how technical you are, especially in reference to tetris. i tend to be the same way in that i nit-pick and obsess over how a sentence sounds and looks, so im glad im not alone!

  4. Great poem by Oscar. You discuss it beautifully, and I love the poem you created. How tranquil to find inspiration on transportation. The way you discuss your process is lovely.


  5. Alana,
    Antioch Review used to, still might, run issues of their magazine connecting science and poetry. Since i studied linguistics which in some aspects can be like science, this made sense to be but not so much to other poets (but that was pre-tetris). Great designs all the way around.
    also you reminded me how great it is to write after a "great adventure". i used to but don't anymore. i will again--use the hightened exhaustion as a kind of fume for new work.

  6. Alana, the way you describe your writing sounds like sculpture or like you're actually cutting up the paper, like old Bill Burroughs - raw material pressed into meaning -- it sounds so messy, richly messy, and personal -- liked your description because of that tactile feeling - even though you're talking about writing.

  7. I like this line "It's impossible to create
    a line to fit every curve within."

    also, I like you making lists of your favorite words. that is so yum.
