Monday, September 21, 2009

revision/editing process

So my revision and editing process is somewhat sporadic. Basically, I write out a first draft then I go back a couple times on my own to re edit. Then I'll show it to any of my friends - any of them. I ask them if they like it, what they like about it, if it made sense or was clear, and jot down any notes they might have for me. Luckily I have a lot of friends who are poets so I always have available workshopping.

They're probably really tired of all the poetry I throw at them but they're very supportive.

If I can't seem to figure out what I can do more to a piece, I tend to put it away for a while and revisit it. Like the piece I published here last week was first written in June during VONA. It was four stanzas, with short lines, and had no depth to it. The draft I published on this blog site was actually the 8th draft.

When I actually get down to editing a piece these are the questions I ask myself:
Is the intent behind this piece really clear?
Is there a fresher way I can say this line?
Is there another way I can play with form?
Can this go any deeper?
Does it flow?
Is the rhythm on point?
Will this be a spoken word piece, a page piece, or both?
Is this fitting for the audience I have in mind? (slam audience, open mic audience, marshallese people, my family, poetry class, poetry for the people, my book my chapbook etc)

I think that's about it.


  1. you are very directed. what works as inspiration?e

  2. I like that when you can't figure out how to improve a piece or edit it you put it away and revisit it later. I do that with most of my work. I love the questions you ask behind each piece that you write. I think I might try that for my next poem or even story...but most likely poem. Love this blog

  3. YOur stuff is so raw that it is amazing to know that you look at it over and over to check the flow, can it go deeper, can it be fresher.I like that the most is it fresh. I relate to torturing people with hearing my stuff over and over again. It is the way I revisit my stuff as well. I need to hear a response in order to sort out if I have gone where I needed to go. I really want to learn from you because I think you are so powerful.

  4. is it during the editing process or the writing process that figure out if it is a page piece, a spoken word piece, etc? I love your words. Lalalalove them.
