Friday, September 4, 2009

lets see if I am doing this right

Well ,first to say what an amazing first class. I was so inspired listening to all of the different genres and goals. I really didn't have a clue how I was going to do my thesis or what period I wanted to focus on. My life has been rough and I write creative non fiction but I have always been trying to find a balance so that the truth in story doesn't create pain for the reader.

I decided to do my Senior Thesis as a one woman show. Something I have been wanting to do ever since I saw my drama teachers incredible one woman show. I was blown away and at the same time I thought to myself, someday I am going to do that. It is an interesting thing to write and perform a one woman show because you have to become on stage all of the characters. Which for me will mean becoming my mother, father, brothers, and son. Oh yeah and little Suki and big Suki. Crazy!!!!!!! But what I am most excited about is what came to me in my 4am writing session after class was that I have to make them human. I have to include the funny and fun experiences as well as the traumatic. So I hope that the final project will be phenomenal. But the process of re-humanizing my family has been something I have needed to do for along time. I have been getting closer. I have been forgiving and compasionate. But I think writing it and acting it out will really be transformative.

I hope everyone is as excited, terrified, and elated as I am. The only thing I am sad about is that we meet as a whole group so little. But that is going to make coming together all the more exciting.

P.S. Cathy, Bonne has been trying to hook us up about Scarology. You blew my mind with what you read and if what Bonne said about you wanting to get involved is true I would feel so f-n honored to have you work with us. So email me


  1. I love this idea of a one woman show for the thesis. Very, very exciting.
