Saturday, September 26, 2009

catching up revision

Revision: to look at with fresh eyes. Ahhhh that is my lifes dilema. I write creative non fiction and it is hard to get those fixed memories out of my head. But it is neccesary in life and in my writing. My writing comes in sunami's and it can be overwhelming to me and those around me. I bottle it up and then it just crashes and ruins towns. But like Noah and the flood ( although I don't really buy that story) once the flood has passed and I have hiden for a while some little dove comes with a blade of grass. That little dove is my collegues, friends, ans proffesors who ask me where did I go? Where is your voice? No, that is to much ! Set the scence. But they also let me know the world has not ended there is still life in the plantet of my work.
It is safe to come out and get to work.
I got lucky with the first piece I ever wrote and got to publish it without having to change much. The suggestions I got were simple and I took them easily. But now I am having to take a look at what a bratty child I am in life and in my writing . I want it done now.I want it accepted now. Sometimes my feelings get hurt when thing are not accepted instantly and it is the prolem that I have. Then I want to trash the whole piece. I am trying to change that in life and in my writing. I have to in order to be good and take a step back to recognize it is a process. I need to learn to maybe put something to bed because it is tried. I don't throw away my child because he has a tantrum. I have to wake up and sometimes force myself to see beyond the tantrum and see the good. I need to wake up and look at him with fresh eyes. I need to do the same with my writing. Wake up, see the good in it, see the truth in it and then revision it.
I like to think of Dr, Suess and " Oh the places you will go" Oh the places my writing might go if I learn to disipline the work with love and isn't that what it takes. Sorry for all the parenting anologies but I think critique is just the firm hand of a parent saying I love you and I want to to be the best you can be. So I will be firm and change form, or grammar. A qritque on grammar is just a mommy saying wash your hands and get ready to eat. Empty belly , clean hands, and a chance to fill the plate with ideas. It doesn't mean I have to throw away the meat it just means that someone might suggest a side dish I hadn't previously considered.

thats my story and I am sticking to it.


  1. good. stick to your story. learning to separate yourself from your writing is SO SO hard. I know. but just remember, your words are power and they are love, and the good criticism you get will make those words stronger.

  2. your metaphor on grammar is being stolen, by me!
