Sunday, November 22, 2009

Warning: Grumpiness ahead (Or: a desperate cry for cheering-up help!)

Note to self: warn all Mills friends and acquaintances not to take Video I in the same semester they are writing their theses!!! Ridiculous classes that take hours and hours and hours of precious time getting frustrated with ridiculously complicated computer software are not good things to involve oneself in when one needs that precious time to WRITE. Especially when one has no plans whatsoever to do anything remotely related to that stupid video technology later in life. Stupid minor requirements...grrrr.... your jets, Kelsey...

I'm starting to get worried. I haven't worked on my thesis at all this week, and I still only have 20 pages. I did have reasoning behind that, to a certain extent, other than the fact that this stupid video class is owning my life... (1) I'm stalling a little bit until I get everyone's feedback on Tuesday (IF we even get to me on Tuesday, seeing as how I'm dead last, my own stupid fault), (2) I have every intention to do some hardcore writing while at home for thanksgiving, where I'll able to focus, and won't have access to that stupid video software and therefore won't have to worry about that. I don't doubt that the thesis will get done on time....I know it will, although I wish I still had a lot more time to work on it. But I'm really excited about what the next few weeks hold for us as a group...especially that party at Elmaz's!

And I can't wait to meet Brewster!!!!

So I guess at this point, since I'm too tired and frustrated to have anything very enlightening to say, I will throw out this question to you... What keeps you going when you get worn out, frustrated, fried, and totally unmotivated? How do you push through the fatigue and the stress and the just wanting to quit? When it just gets you down, how do you get back up?

Really....I want to know! Maybe I'll go make some cookies to cheer myself up...or watch an episode of NCIS before I do my econ homework (which is the other thing I'm hating right about now). Bleh...

Sorry guys...didn't mean for this to be such a gloom and doom blog post. I didn't know what I was going to write about this week, so I decided to just go at it blindly and see what would happen. And now we can all tell what a fantastic mood I'm in right now!

However, I'll be better by Tuesday, I promise! I love reading y'alls writing...that's what gets me going!


  1. So this is a little random, but I realized that I just wrote the 100th post on our blog! Yay me!!!

  2. Congrats on post 100!!

    When I'm down...I usually write to make myself feel better =P. It's typically my other classes that suffer.

    What keeps me going: The fact that the semester is ALMOST OVER! I keep lists, lots and lots of lists, and I feel so incredibly fulfilled when I can cross of something on my list. Crossing off something on my list is a greater joy then actually doing work sometimes. So, I will write a paper I don't want to write for the sake of being able to cross something off a list. If you can find indirect motivation to get your work done, it can be a huge relief.

    How do I push through: Sometimes, if these get really super tough, I do one of two things: 1) Watch a movie; or, 2) Go to sleep. Even if I'm not particularly exhausted, I will just not do anything, and that will make me feel better. Movies and dreams are great ways to escape from the stress of everyday life.

    When it gets me down, how do I get back up: This is a hard one. Sometimes it just takes a few days of recuperation to get back on track. (It's best if those days occur on a weekend, but sometimes you can't control that.) For me, when I shut down, I might do some diary-entry-type exercises where I write about how much everything sucks, then I watch my movies and sleep for too long, and then compile lists about how glorious things will be after my work is done. Like now, I'm compiling lists about holiday activities, and helping a friend plan her son's 5th birthday party. These things are much more fun than schoolwork! the end...when it comes down to it, I make myself complete an assignment so I can cross it off my FINALS TO DO list.

    Good luck, Kelsey! One day you'll look back on these times and miss the stress and fun of college!
