Monday, November 2, 2009

sorry for the lateness...not sure what the blog topic is suppose to be...I guess I shall WING IT ;)

First I hope everyone had a great END of October weekend.

Writing as a group again proved productive. I'm slowly weeding in the editing that was suggested to me while still coming up with more for my story. I thought I could keep writing and just do all of the editing when I was done, but if I let myself, I'll just keep writing and run out of time to do the editing sooo I figured I should work it in while I add more to my story. During our next group writing I think I'm going to have to force myself to do more editing than anything else. If I finish editing what I've already turned in to you all, then I can stress less about adding more.


  1. Great way to multi-task, editing and adding at the same time. Sometimes one leads to the other, editing part ABC and realizing you need to add DEF and all that.
    And then I find myself editing so much that I've deleted two pages and added five more, and then reediting those new five pages and then deleting and adding and it turns into this wicked cycle and it's crazy.
    Keep up the good work!
